
Are Your Kids Watching Unboxing Videos?

Are You Lured into Impulse Buys?

¿Te Atraen las Compras Impulsivas?

Why Do Most Stores Always Have a Sale?

Joey's Gist: Impulse Buying

Hayden's AirPod Rip-Off

A Miracle!!! No, Wait... a Con!

Fact, Opinion, Misinformation, Fake News, DeepFakes. What's the Difference?

Are You Being Super-Marketed at the Grocery Store?

Joey's Gist: Social Media Ads (Part 2)

Joey's Gist: Social Media Ads (Part 1)

Make Healthy Skepticism a Habit! 10 Easy Steps to Improve Your Financial Habits

¡Haz del Escepticismo Saludable un Hábito! 10 Sencillos Pasos para Mejorar Tus Hábitos Financieros

Bogus Money-Making Scheme Defrauded Millions

Are You Getting a Refund Check?

Howard's In-Game Currency Scam

Needs Vs. Wants: Getting Down and Dirty with That Budget

Start Your Own Business – Profits Guaranteed!

Joey's Gist: Social Media Influencers

You're Hired! Oops – There's No Openings!