Don't Get Caught by This Fake IRS Tax Form Scam
There is a new scam that is sending people fake tax forms related to the Affordable Care Act. It may come by email or by mail and indicates that the r…

Facebook User? Be Alert for These Scams
With millions of daily users, Facebook has become an effective way for scammers to find victims. There are many scams and variations. Most are after y…

The Nigerian Scam
How do you protect yourself from a scam like this?

Don't Fall for Home Repair Scams--At Any Time of Year
Are you alert for home repair scams at all times? Like many homeowners, you may associate home repair scams with the warmer months of summer and early…

Medical ID Theft: What Do You Need to Know?
Medical identity theft is a fast growing type of identity theft. It is the use of your name and/or your health insurance information, including your s…

Working to Pay Down Debt? Avoid Debt Relief Scams and Bad "Services"
Millions of Americans owe thousands of dollars on credit cards, student loans, medical bills and other unsecured loans or bills. Many are struggling e…

Work-at-Home Schemes Target Your Hard-Earned Dollars
"Earn $500 to $1000 weekly in your spare time!" or "Earn $150 an hour on your home computer!"
Have you seen ads like these? Tempting "come-ons" for w…

Too Good to Be True
If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. In most cases there is a catch and that can do more harm than good.

Donating to Natural Disaster Victims? Beware of Scams
After natural disasters, many people want to help. Unfortunately, fake charities and other scams will take advantage of the disaster.

FoolProof Top 10 Scams: Beware of the Red-Lipped Batfish Trick!
You're pretty "foolproof," right? You don't fall for those obvious scams that make you look and feel like a fool, do you?
When you look at FoolProof'…

Do You Give to Charities?
Charitable giving: Why it may be a good for you to do (and how to do it safely).
Did you know that helping other people is actually good for you? Cha…

Why Do Scams Continue to Work?
Scams have been around for generations. Stealing other people's money has always been their goal. To do that, scams are continually evolving and scamm…

Flipping Money Scams on Social Networks!
Ever heard of a "money flipping" scam?
Hundreds of (young) people fall prey to money flipping scams on social media every day. It happens on Facebook…

How to Protect Yourself from Scam Emails, Letters and Phone Calls
Remember scam emails? They would offer you a big commission if you let a total stranger in a foreign country deposit ten million dollars in your bank …

How to Protect Yourself from Scam Emails, Letters and Phone Calls
Remember scam emails? They would offer you a big commission if you let a total stranger in a foreign country deposit ten million dollars in your bank …

Stay Alert for Crowdsourcing Scams
In recent years, crowdfunding has become a popular way to raise money for a variety of creative projects, new business ventures, and charitable causes…

Credit Card Phishing
Will You Be Lucky Enough to Get a Call Like This?
You're sitting around when you get a call from someone who says they are with your credit card comp…

55 or Older? Be Aware of These Scams!
Some of today's most popular financial frauds tend to target older adults. Why? Like the old bank robber said, because that's where the money is.

Pyramid Schemes: Watch Out!
Get this scenario: you, a college student who has discovered the luxury of 10 Ramen Noodle cups for only a buck, are approached by a young man dressed…

Identity Theft
And yet another article on identity theft... Boring! But is it? Did you know young people are big targets? Here's a quick head's up.
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