Money Problems
Short on cash, late payments, increasing debt? Check out these blinking red lights that indicate financial trouble.
Are you broke right after payday? Are living paycheck to paycheck?
If this sounds all too familiar please scroll down and look at our resources!

Needs Vs. Wants: Getting Down and Dirty with That Budget
There's broke, and then there's "digging through your couch cushions for change to buy groceries" broke. I've been both more than once in my life, and…

Qué Hacer si Necesitas Ayuda de Emergencia con Dinero y Alimentos
Desafortunadamente, las emergencias monetarias son tan normales hoy como el café en Starbucks. La pregunta ya no es “SI” tu o yo alguna vez nec…

Need Emergency Help with Money and Food?
If so, do you know where or who to turn to? In this current crisis, you fortunately still have various options for help. This video may give you som…

Unexpected Events Impacting Your Pay?
Do you budget? It may help you through tough financial times, or getting into financial trouble in the first place.

Work Disruption Can Lead to Bills Piling Up
It's the end of the month, and money's tight. How to cut down on your costs? We've got a few suggestions...

Worried About Your Budget Right Now? Be Proactive!
If you don't, you’re probably setting yourself up for financial ruin. Check this out...

Got Credit Card Debt? Consolidate!
When to consolidate your credit card debt, and how do you do it right.

Struggling with Student Loan Debt?
Are you thinking about defaulting? That could be a disastrous move! So what should you do? Here are a few options.

Are Fast-Moving Developments Challenging You Financially?
Financial challenges can be disrupting to your budget, especially if it’s tight. But what if your tight budget actually had more flexibility to acco…

Are (Quick) Loans a Solution to Money Trouble?
You’re out of cash and need to pay bills... Quick cash loans, a.k.a. high interest rate loans are (very likely) not your solution. As they may get…

My Past Money Mistakes and My Future Hopes
Hi, I'm Rachel. I spent a lot of my youth struggling to survive, and making a lot of bad choices along the way. Even to this day I'm not personally in…

Are You in Money Trouble? Get Ready for the Vultures!
A guarantee: If you have money troubles and it becomes known, you are a bigger target for scammers.

Money-Saving Helpers!
A.K.A.: Sites that help you, and don't hype you.
Have you ever bought a lemon vehicle, had your ID stolen, or found it difficult to pay your bills? A…

Feeling Financial Stress?
Short on cash, late payments, increasing debt? Check out these blinking red lights that indicate financial trouble.

Why Pay Rip-Off Rates for High Interest Loans?
Need money fast? Together with payday loans and check cashing services, high interest rate loans (at times with trip digit interest rates) are an op…

Don't Fall for High Interest Loans in Times Like These
In a pinch due to coronavirus? What should you do?
Most of us have been there: we have bills to pay but we're short on cash. And we experience money …

No Te Dejes Engañar por Préstamos de Alto Interés en Tiempos Como Estos
¿En un apuro debido? ¿Qué deberías hacer?
La mayoría de nosotros hemos estado allí: tenemos facturas que pagar pero nos falta efectivo. Y exper…

SelfCare When Dealing with Stressful Finances
Financial stresses not only affect your well being, they can negatively affect relationships, job performance and pretty much rule your life if you le…

When to Know You're in Trouble with Debt
When to Know You're in Trouble with Debt
Do you have debt? Can you tell when you have so much debt that you're in (real) trouble? We'll explain how…

Technology Has Changed the Way We Work
Many people credit technological advances to job displacement. However, it also has led to innovation and increased access which has created jobs for …
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