Are You at Risk of Spearphishing?
Spearphising is a targeted email attack, and scammers may be after your information and money. Shouldn't you know about this?
Are Public Wi-Fi Networks Safe?
Some are, some definitely aren’t! Use the tips in this video to protect yourself from trouble on wireless networks.
Is Starting a Business a Good Move for You?
You'll have freedom! Be your own boss! Great. But you also have to take care of a lot of details. It's a big step. Check to see if you're ready...
Who's Using Your Netflix Account?
You may not be the only one... Scammers use malware and phishing emails to grab your Netflix account details from your PC and sell your account for cut-price subscriptions to unsuspecting subscribers.
Are You (and Your Money) Safe on Facebook?
Facebook is laden with phishing scams and malware by crooks trying to steal your personal and financial information. Stop it cold!
Most People Don't Know When News Is Fake. Do You?
Learn to recognize fake news starting with this video, and then teach your kids.
Does Buying in Bulk Always Make Sense?
No. There's plenty or reasons why you shouldn't. But also why you should, of course. These tips may help you stock up.
Kids Using Your Smartphone or Tablet? Beware In-App Purchases!
Most free apps feature in-app purchases.
Should You Bank Online or Mobile?
Is it safe? Is it really easier? Valid concerns. This video will help determine if mobile and/or online banking is right for you.
How Safe Are Your "Smart" Appliances?
All your smart appliances connected to the internet may be at risk of hacking, viruses or malware. Help reduce your potential risks with the tips in this video.
Credit Cards, Debit Cards, or Prepaid Debit Cards?
Which are safer to use? Answer: It depends. This video compares all 3 options.
Avoid Job Search Scams
Because so many job search activities have moved online, many of the scams also come to you online.
Should You "Push" or "Pull" Your Online Payment?
Which one is quicker, easier or (more importantly) safer? Do you even know the difference? This video will push you in the right direction.
Should You Be Giving Your Personal Data?
To some companies, sure. To others, definitely not. Learn more in this video.
How to Spot a Fake Website?
Fake websites are drawing a lot of victims. Don't be one of them! Here’s how you spot those fake sites.
Are You Falling for Native—or Invisible—Advertising?
Watch this video and learn how to avoid being tricked by advertisers.
Will You Fall for a 0% Credit Card Trick?
Buying items "on credit" is all too common, and so are interest free offers. However, you have to be really careful and thorough to be offered the 0%, or these (credit card) loans can be pretty pricy. Will they "trick" you, too?
The Nigerian Scam
How do you protect yourself from a scam like this?
Is It Impossible Getting Teens to Save?
FoolProof has some enjoyable tips to get that habit going, right now.
Is College Worth It?
This video will help you find ways to reduce college cost so you don't end up with big student loans.